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Tjufoo: Lets get high on growth🚀

About Tjufoo

Being our first international client, Tjufoo are brand aggregators who seek to elevate Indonesia-based entrepreneurs.

One of the company’s goal is to also show thought leadership in the D2c space as they want brand owners to follow them based on their abilities and not our capital alone. Along with the team at Tjufoo, we evaluated the brand identity, website and language. We developed the identity, keeping the ‘O-O’ characters we developed when we This involved new typography, a bolder colour palette and new key messaging to help better communicate what they offer.


Focused on language, the typeface had to hit the right tone and personality. Clear and modern, tjufoo had been designed to help with dyslexia making it incredibly people-friendly—the perfect fit.

The new website is designed to help visitors understand exactly what Tjufoo is, and to drive conversions by way of sign ups. The bold new colour palette helps highlight key features and lead visitors around the site, while the brand messaging communicates all the features and benefits. Well placed calls-to-action and a simple, informative pricing page help turn those visitors into customers

Head of PM: Ayodele Akinyele
Brand Direction:
Ayodele Akinyele
Brand Design: Ayodele Akinyele
Brand Assets: Adil Bagaunt
Web Development: Ayodele Akinyele

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